

In [Neolithic]To the End, you can spread your customized faith to gather followers and influence. On this page, you can find people you can convert, how to convert them, and what effect will take place once your faith has become so influential in a location.

Potential Followers[]

Name Location Default Convince Difficulty Special Difficulty Modifier Additional Effects On Success Conversion Additional Effects On Failed Conversion Note
Random Citizens in Liu Liu 12 ~ 27 -2 if your faith has the "Descendant of Dragons" tenet
Random Police Officer in Liu Liu 32 ~ 47 -3 if your faith has the "Law and Order" tenet

-2 if your faith has the "Guan Yu" tenet

-2 if your faith has the "Descendant of Dragons" tenet

They will stop trying to arrest you.

Your influence over the local police force will increase.

They will immediately start a battle, trying to arrest you.
Random Beggar in Liu's Sewer Liu 12 ~ 32 -2 if your faith has the "Descendant of Dragons" tenet
Random Homeless People in Liu's Dark Alley Liu 12 ~ 32 -2 if your faith has the "Descendant of Dragons" tenet
Random Gangsters in Liu's Dark Alley Liu 20~40 -5 if your faith has the "Guan Yu" tenet

-2 if your faith has the "Descendant of Dragons" tenet

They will immediately start a battle,
Random Monks in Liu Liu 50 ~ 75 -15 if your faith is considered "Buddhism" They will be very efficient in passively growing your faith's followers in Liu.

They will also passively grow your faith's devotion in Liu.

Aten Cultist Egypt 22 ~ 60 Your relationship with the Aten Cult will modify the difficulty. The more they like you, the easier it is to convert them, and vice versa. Your relationship with the Aten Cult will reduce. Your relationship with the Aten Cult will reduce.

They will immediately start a battle,

Location & Influence Effects[]

Name Effects Requirement Note
Liu Your faith has made more people love cats. More cats will appear on the streets.

(The more influence your faith has, the more cats may appear.)

Your faith has the "Cat Worship" tenet

Faith influence in Liu is at least 7

Your faith has made more people love bunnies. More bunnies will appear on the streets.

(The more influence your faith has, the more cats may appear.)

Your faith has the "Bunny Worship" tenet

Faith influence in Liu is at least 7

Your faith has influenced the local police force.

Some police officers will ignore your criminal activities and tell other police officers to retreat.

(The chance of such police officers appearing depends on your faith's influence.)

Faith influence in Liu is at least 200

Each converted police officer reduces this by 10


Generic Difficulty Modifier[]

Name Difficulty Modifier
The Number of Tenets in Your Faith +2 each
The "Word Bearer" Tenet -30% difficulty

Other Ways to Spread Your Faith[]

Name Affected Location Instigate Location Effect Note
Post articles on "Universal Times" to spread your faith Liu Liu's "Universal Times" office, on the 3rd floor of the Commodity Market Your faith will gain more followers and influence depending on how much money you spend on the advertisement.