

Family Honor is a quest that mostly taking place in Fjordr about a young man seek to make his family's fame be known again in this new machine crisis.

Flow (Spoilers Alert!)[]

Step Requirement Variable Note
When you get into the Fjordr, you can find a father and a son have a conversation between them. V1184 = 15
If you accept the quest, you can go to the Final Valor Cave and find a broken blade on a skeleton.

Bring the broken blade back to John.

V1184 = 15 V1184 = 20
John is surprised that the blade is broken. Thus, he then sends you to Hottle to look for Forge Master Manize to repair it V1184 = 20 V1184 = 25 You can receive your first rewards here.

If you refuse the rewards, you gain more reputation and karma.

Talk to Forge Master Manize V1184 = 25 V1184 = 30
Return to John Emberwood. He will give you the 2nd reward. He will then ask about his grandfather. You can pass a persuasion check to tell him the truth/say you don't know/lie to him. Depending on your choices, he will either join the army or start his investigation. V1184 = 30 V1184 = 1000
Mission Complete?

Alternative Endings (Spoilers Alert!)[]

Ending Trigger Condition Note
You convinced John to go to the Final Valor Cave along. Before you return his grandfather's blade to him.

Ask him why does not he go to that cave by himself? With a success persuasion check, he will go there on his own. The mission will end right there.

Later, in the Final Valor Cave, you can find John's dead body.

You can loot his body for some items.
