
Tenets are the special aspects of a faith. They may provide both positive and negative effects on a faith's follower.

List of Tenet[]

Name Effect Mutually Exclusive Requirement Unlock Functional Devotion Generator Note
Seek for Heaven Good deeds reward devotion Not an Atheist. Always Available Yes
Pan-Abrahamism Your faith is considered Christianity.

Your faith is considered Islam. Your faith is considered Judaism.

Abrahamic Religions Always Available Yes
Deuteronomy 32:43 +5% close physical damage reflection

+10% faith from pray.

Abrahamic Religions Always Available Yes Yes
Psalms 58:10 +42 MP when successfully hit a target.

+10% faith from pray

Abrahamic Religions Always Available Yes Yes
Nahum 1:3 The LORD will punish those who wronged you, in time.

+10% faith from pray

Abrahamic Religions Always Available Yes Yes Game Mechanism:

If someone causes damage to you, they will get a countdown state starting at 7. If they cause damage again the countdown will go down by 1. Every turn, the countdown goes down by 1. Once the countdown reaches 0, they will be smitten by true damage (bypassing all defenses) based on how many times they have damaged you.

Hetu-Phala Those who heal you will be healed, in time.

Those who harm you will be harmed, in time.

Eastern Religions Always Available Yes Those who heal you with a spell will be healed, in 7 turns.

Those who harm you with an attack will be harmed, in 7 turns.

Crusade Against Undeads Gain devotion when killing enemy undead.

+20% VS Undead Power

Abrahamic Religions Yes Yes
Crusade Against Demons Gain devotion when killing enemy demon.

+20% VS Demon Power

Abrahamic Religions Yes Yes
Prophecy of the Black Sun
Sun Worship +2% Ice resistance

+10% Sun Effects

Religious Books dropped by Aten Cultists Yes
Moon Worship +50% devotion when you pray at night. (Your local system time.) Always Available Yes
The Authority of Papacy Gain more devotion after finish jobs given by Papacy Center-of-Belief is a kind of Christianity Always Available Yes The effect is not implemented right now.
The Light is Holy +5% Light Effects Not worshiping darkness.

Not an Atheist.

Always Available Yes
Sanctioned Raider +5 Item drop rate

+5% Money from battle

Agrarian Culture Always Available Yes Half the cost if following Norse Paganism.
Obey Your Superior Missions of this ideology reward you with devotion Tangpingism,

Freedom of Speech

Talk to the one-eyed officer in Liu's PSB Yes
Tangpingism +15% Emotional Damage Resistance Obey Your Superior Talk to the man lying down in Liu Yes Half the cost if following Taoism.
Holy Water Allow making holy water on altars. Not an Atheist. Always Available Yes
Fishing Ritual Gain Devotion when passing a fishing skill check.

+3 Fishing Skills

Always Available Yes Yes
Agrarian Culture +3 Gardening Skills

Gardening Skills level up 5% faster

Sanctioned Raider Always Available Yes
Tsethar Gain devotion when releasing the bind of a pet Always Available Yes Half the cost if following Buddhism.

Devotion gain is based on the pet's level in favor of high-level pets.

Guide the Departed Souls Can perform a ritual to pacify the dead after defeating a human enemy.

Can grant peace to your undead pets to gain devotion

Gain Skill: Burial Ritual of Peace

+20% VS Undead

Always Available Yes Yes
Law and Order +10% Daze Resistance

+10% Confusion Resistance

Always Available Yes
Freedom of Speech +45% Silence Resistance

-15% Silence Offense

+1 Speech Skill

Obey Your Superior

Freedom of Speech, Except Whoever Opposes Me

Always Available Yes
Freedom of Speech, Except Whoever Opposes Me +15% Silence Resistance

+15% Silence Offense

-3 Persuation

Freedom of Speech Always Available Yes
Second Amendment +10% Firearm Ammo Always Available Yes
Human Sacrifice Allow sacrifice corpses on altars to gain devotion Aztec Religious Books Yes
Sleep Is for the Weak +7% Sleep Resistance Sleepy Cult Always Available Yes
Sleepy Cult +15% Sleep Offense

-15% Sleep Resistance Gain Devotion When Sleeping in a Battle. Gain Devotion When Having a Good Sleep Outside a Battle. Grant Skill: Sleep Grant Skill: Take a Nap

Sleep Is for the Weak Always Available Yes Yes
Cat Worship Gain devotion when petting a cat. Always Available Yes
Bunny Worship Gain devotion when petting a bunny. Always Available Yes
Snake Worship Gain devotion when petting a snake.

+10% Poison Offense

Can spend Devotion to turn snakes into your pets.

Can spend Devotion to pacify snakes .

Always Available Yes Yes No cost if following a Snake God Religion.
Killer Monk Gain devotion when killing a human. Hippocratic Oath “Sutra of Manslaughter” dropped by Killer Monk Yes Half the cost if following Buddhism.
Hippocratic Oath +3% Skill Healing Power Killer Monk After talking to Dr. Wang in Liu's People's Hospital, visit it again, and you will find a book that unlocks this tenet on his table. Yes Half the cost if following Hellenism.
Stalwart Defender +25 Phys. Defense

+25 Mgi. Defense

Always Available Yes
Guan Yu + 15% Slash Weapon Proficiency level up speed.

+ 15% Blade Weapon Proficiency level up speed. + 5% Gold from Battles

Must be Polytheism. Equip a "Guan Gong Fu" Yes
Zao Jun +3 Cooking Level

+5% fire resistance

Must be Polytheism. A copy can be found in "This is a bar." Yes Half the cost if following Taoism.
Gatling Bodhisattva +8% Firearm Damage Must be Polytheism. A copy can be found in the "Museum of Strange History." Yes Half the cost if following Buddhism.
Doom Sayer Allow pray for a vision of doom.

If already known this prayer, increases its success chance.

Always Available Yes Half the cost if following Nihilism.

Half the cost if following Cthulhu.

The Sea Will Consume Us All Allow pray for a vision of doom.

If already known this prayer, increases its success chance.

+10% Water Damage

One of the random dialogs of the doomsayer in the Marinas Dock area. Yes Half the cost if following Nihilism.

Half the cost if following Cthulhu.

Sisyphus is Happy +50 MP after each battle

+15% VS authority

Floor of Philosophy, the Grand Library Yes Half the cost if following Hellenism.
Language Is Our True Fatherland +40% Language Power

+10% Silence Resistance.

+1 Speech Skill Level

Floor of Language, the Grand Library Yes
Ritual Cannibalism +40% healing from "Devour Corpse"

Gain devotion when using "Devour Corpse"

Gain devotion when consuming human flesh

Use "Devour Corpse" skill at least once.

Read "Book of Human Flesh" randomly dropped by enemies.

Yes Yes
Carnal Exaltation Gain devotion when having sex

Seductive skills + 3

Grant Skill: Charm

F.F.F Extremism Always Available Yes Yes Half the cost if following Lucifer.
Glouries Gluttony +25% healing from food Always Available Yes Half the cost if following Lucifer.
Samujier is Jesus Your faith is considered Christianity.

Your faith is considered Samujier.

Either a Christianity Faith or a Samujier Faith. Listen to a religious debate in the Samujier Cathedral. Yes It works just like syncretism tenets in Crusader King 3
F.F.F Extremism +Fire Power

+Fire Prof. Level-Up Speed +Grant Skill: Fire-Attack +Grant Skill: Fire Ball -Lose devotion when having sex. -Lose devotion when giving gifts to an opposite gender character.

Carnal Exaltation You may find random F.F.F Dan's Flyers in trash cans. Read it and you can unlock this tenet. Yes
The Grand Masquerade +3 Deception Skill Levels

+10% Confusion Offense

Gain devotion when you pass a deception skill check.

You can unlock this tenet by talking to the Illuminati Doctor in Queensmouth Airport about the masks or asking Kalina about the veil after she appears in the safe house. Yes Yes
Pescetarianism +7% Poison resistance

+7% Weaken resistance

+7% Fatigue resistance

Lose devotion if consuming land-based meats

Veganism Always Available Yes Half the cost if following Shinto
Veganism +15% Poison resistance

+15% Weaken resistance

+15% Fatigue resistance

-2% Horny resistance

Lose devotion if consuming land-based meats

Lose devotion if consuming fishes

Lose devotion if consuming eggs

Pescetarianism Always Available Yes Half the cost if following Buddhism
Crusade Against Undeads +20% Damage to the Undead

Gain devotion when killing the Undead.

You can unlock it during the story of the Eternal Staff.

Alternatively, you may find a religious book that teaches it.

Yes Yes Half the cost if following a Abrahamic Religion
Crusade Against Demons +20% Damage to Demons

Gain devotion when killing Demons.

You can unlock it during the story of the Eternal Staff.

Alternatively, you may find a religious book that teaches it.

Yes Yes Half the cost if following a Abrahamic Religion
Word Bearer Gain devotion when converting others to your faith.

Reduce the difficulty of converting others to your faith. Gain more devotion when praying,

Always Available Yes Yes
Descendant of Dragons -25% when you purchase items with Marks of Dragon

+2 Mundane History Levels

Always Available Yes

Additional Tenet From Mods[]

Faith Mods

Name Author Note
GabeN Una