Faith is a system of [Neolithic] To the End.[]
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You can make your own customized faith as I believe everyone shall be allowed to believe in whatever they want to believe. You can name your faith whatever you want. From "Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster" to "Believers of Flat Earth", as long as you have fun.
From there, each faith in the game has a Center-of-Belief. It can be the eternal, supreme being you worship in a Monotheism religion, a large polytheism pantheon of many divines, or it may not even be a religion, but just something you want to believe in, thus Atheism is also an option.
Many very common Center-of-Beliefs of the world are available at the very beginning of the game. However, those most alien ones will need to be unlocked first.
Now we get a Center-of-Belief in our faith. However, we know from history books and real life, each faith can have its difference even when they may be worshiping the same supreme being. Just as we know Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy have their difference in Christianity while Sunnis and Shias are both Muslims, they do not agree on who shall be the successor of the last prophet, so we shall implement something to extinguish each faith. That's where tenets come in. In each faith, underneath the Center-of-Belief, there are tenets you can add to further make your faith unique.
Reference: Developer's Diary #94