


Name Ingredients Cooking Device Note
Steamed Egg with Minced Meat Any Egg + Any Water + Any Meat(or grounded meatt) Anything that can heat food If you are using "Strange Meat" you will get "Steamed Egg with Suspicious Minced Meat."

You can get better results if you use grounded meat instead of meat.

Deep-Fried Cutlet Any Meat + Flour + Oil Anything that can heat food If you are using "Strange Meat," you will get Suspicious Deep-Fried Cutlet
Bread Flour+Water+Yeast+Salt Anything that can heat food
Rice Paddy + Water Anything that can heat food You can get the blessed version if you use holy water to cook.
Egg Fried Rice Paddy + Water + Any Egg Anything that can heat food You can get the blessed version if you use holy water to cook.

Based on the egg you are using, the name of this dish will change accordingly.

Matzah Flour+Water+Salt Anything that can heat food
Venezuelan Arepa Flour+Water+Salt+Oil Anything that can heat food
Small Fruit Cake Flour+Water+Yeast+Salt + Any Fruit or Fruit Products(such as raisins) Anything that can heat food Its name will be changed based on the fruit type.
Fish Cake Flour+Water+Yeast+Salt + Any Fish Anything that can heat food
Coffee Coffee Powder + Water

Coffee Bean + Water + Cooking Device with a "heat" component.

Anything To get the best result, you need to use coffee powder and a cooking device that can heat food.
Fish & Chips Fish + Potato + Oil Anything that can heat food
Raisin Grape Anything that can heat food
Cooked Apple Slices Apple Anything that can heat food
Tarte Tatin Apple + Flour Anything that can heat food
American Apple Pie Apple + Flour Anything that can heat food
Roasted Pumpkin Pumpkin Anything that can heat food
Salted Fish Salt + Fish Anything
Cooked Fish Fish Anything that can heat food
Cooked Meat Any Meat Anything that can heat food If you are using "Strange Meat" you will get "Cooked Strange Meat."
Fried Vegetable Any Green Vegetable + Food Oil Anything that can heat food You can get different kinds of fried vegetables depending on which one you are using.
Vegetable Soup Any Green Vegetable + Water Anything that can heat food You can get different kinds of soups depending on which vegetable you are using.
Bland Fish Soup Fish + Water Anything that can heat food
Bland Meat Soup Any Meat or Ground Meat + Water Anything that can heat food If you are using "Strange Meat" or "Strange Ground Meat" you will get "Suspicious Meat Soup."
Fish Frumenty Any Fish + Wheat + Water Anything that can heat food
Egg Frumenty Any Egg + Wheat + Water Anything that can heat food
Bland Frumenty Wheat + Water Anything that can heat food
Tomato Egg Stir Fry Tomato + Any Egg Anything that can heat food
Tomato Fish Tomato + Any Fish Anything that can heat food
Tomato Stewed Meat Tomato + Any Normal Meat/Ground Meat Anything that can heat food
Strange Tomato Stewed Meat Tomato + Any Strange Meat Anything that can heat food
Rou Baozi Baozi Wrapper + Ground Meat Anything that can heat food If you use "Strange Grand Meat", you will get a different version of Rou Baozi.
Fish Baozi Baozi Wrapper + Any Fish Anything that can heat food
Vegetable Baozi Baozi Wrapper + Any Vegetable Anything that can heat food
Fruit Baozi Baozi Wrapper + Any Fruit Anything that can heat food
Fried Vegetable Noodles Raw Noodles + Green Vegetables + Food Oil Anything that can heat food You can get different kinds of vegetable noodles depending on which vegetable you are using.
Fried Noodles Raw Noodles Anything that can heat food Cooking skills have a larger effect when cooking this food.
Fries Potato + Food Oil Anything that can heat food Cooking skills do not affect the quality of fries. Instead, they affect how many fries you can make.
Fried Egg Egg Anything that can heat food
Baked Potato Potato Anything that can heat food
Ground Meat Any Meat Anything with a "GRINDER" tag. If you are using "Strange Meat" you will get "Strange Ground Meat"
Coffee Powder Coffee Bean Anything with a "GRINDER" tag.
Fruit Milkshake Any Fruit + Milk + Ice Anything with a "JUICER" tag.
Fruit Juice Any Fruit Anything with a "JUICER" tag. You can get different juice from different fruits.
Vegetable Jucie Any Green Vegetable Anything with a "JUICER" tag. You can get different juice from different vegetables.
Flour Any Grain (For example: Wheat) or Potato Anything with a "GRINDER" tag.
Food Oil Sun Flower Anything with a "GRINDER" tag.
Salt Seawater Anything that can heat food
Process Corpse*

(May get blood, bone, and strange meat)

Corpse Anything with a "GRINDER" tag.
Bloody Meat Soup Any Meat or Ground Meat + Blood Anything that can heat food If you are using "Strange Meat" or "Strange Ground Meat" you will get "Bloody Rotten Meat Soup."
Slime Enemy Spawns! At least 4 slime goos Anything that CANNOT heat food
Fire Slime Enemy Spawns! At least 4 slime goos Anything that CAN heat food
Adhesive Water + Flour x 2 Anything

Additives (Those items can add additional effects on the item you are cooking.)[]

Name How to get? Effects
Ultimate Wasabi Masaomi Takeda, Sushi Bar in the Restaurant, Liu Make the food super spicy and hot. Grant you the "fire breath" skill after you eat it. (Temporary effect)
Holy Water Blessed on alters. See "Faith Tenet" If you use holy water instead of normal water to cook certain food, you will get the "blessed" version of such food.

It can usually remove some kind of negative effects and provide more healing.

Poisonous Spore Making food poisonous.A If you are cooking a lot of food, you will need a lot of those additives to take effect.

The less food you cook and the more such additives you add, the better the effect modifier.

For example: 6 Poisonous Spore + 1 Apple can get you a cooked apple with a high poisonous modifier while 6 Poisonous Spore + 2 Apples may give you 2 cooked apples with only half of that modifier.

Aphrodisiac Spore Making food causes horny If you are cooking a lot of food, you will need a lot of those additives to take effect.

The less food you cook and the more such additives you add, the better the effect modifier.

Psychedelic Spore Making food cause dazed.

Making food causes confusion.

If you are cooking a lot of food, you will need a lot of those additives to take effect.

The less food you cook and the more such additives you add, the better the effect modifier.


Name Type How to get it? (Other than purchasing them from merchants.) Related Skill
Apple Fruit Plant an apple tree and harvest. Gardening
Grape Fruit Planet a grape tree and harvest Gardening
Pumpkin Fruit Harvest from pumpkin seeds. Gardening
Cabbage Green Vegetable Harvest after planting seeds. Gardening
Cactus Slice Considered as Green Vegetable Drop from Cactus Person

Grow from Cactus

Purchase from a food ingredient vendor

Tomato Fruit Harvest after tomato seeds. Gardening
Wheat Grain Harvest after planting seeds. Gardening
Paddy Grain Harvest after planting seeds. Gardening
Sun Flower Harvest after planting seeds. Gardening
Potato Harvest after planting seeds. Gardening
Egg Egg Female Birds in your group will lay eggs periodically.

Purchase from a food ingredient vendor

Sea Water Water Collect from a clean sea source
Water Water Collect from a clean water source
Dirty Water Water Collect from a not-so-clean water source. Such as Toilets.
Holy Water Water Crafted from Altars Faith
Milk Milk Certain female pets in your group will produce milk periodically.

Purchase from a food ingredient vendor

Ice Ice Frozen Water in a Refrigerator

Purchase from a food ingredient vendor

Food Oil Oil Grinder ingredients that contains oil.
Meat Meat Ask Zhao Sandao to butcher your pets.

Kill certain animals.

Strange Meat Meat Kill zombies.

Grinder a corpse.

Ground Meat Meat Grinder some meat. Cooking
Flour Grain Grinder some wheat Cooking
Baozi Wrapper Flour Product Made from flour
Raw Noodles Flour Product Made from flour

Dropped by the Spawns of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Raisin Fruit Product Made from grape Cooking
Fish Fish Fishing from waterbodies Fishing
Blood Blood Grinder a corpse. Cooking
Slime Goo Drop from slime enemies.

Cooking Device[]

Name Tags Can Purchase? Can be found in the world? Note
Microwave Oven MICROWAVE


No.181 River Road, Liu

Random furniture vendors in the Commodity Market of Liu

Safehouse O-017
Juicer & Blender JUICER



No.181 River Road, Liu

Random furniture vendors in the Commodity Market of Liu

Safehouse O-017
"EasyTime" Mini-Range RANGE




No.181 River Road, Liu

Random furniture vendors in the Commodity Market of Liu

The 2nd Floor of "This is a bar," Liu
"Free Villager" Stove HEAT


No.181 River Road, Liu

Random furniture vendors in the Commodity Market of Liu

The 2nd Floor of "Oasis Teahouse," Egypt
Witch's Cauldron CAULDRON




Random Witchcraft Merchant in the Commodity Market of Liu The Queen's Chamber, The Secret Tunnel, Queensmouth Can also be used for Alchemy
Simple Wild Campfire HEAT


Wonderland Travel Agency, Liu Cave of Escaped Slaves, Otherworldly Egypt.
Barbecue Grill HEAT


Marinas Tourist Beach Marinas Tourist Beach
Rice Cooker HEAT


Random furniture vendors +10 cooking level bonus if you use it to cook rice-related products.